42 research outputs found

    Structural Sequence Detectability in Free Choice Interpreted Petri Nets

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    This paper is concerned with the structural sequence detectability problem in Free Choice Interpreted Petri nets, i.e. with the possibility of recovering the firing transition sequence in Free Choice Interpreted Petri nets using the output information when the initial marking is unknown. Based on the Free Choice Interpreted Petri net structure, three relationships are proposed which are devoted to capture the confusion over the transitions. These relationships depend on interpreted Petri nets structures such as T-invariants, P-Invariants, attribution and distribution places. Thus, the approach herein presented exploits the interpreted Petri nets structural information in order to determine the structural sequence detectability of an interpreted Petri net.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Control techniques for thermal-aware energy-efficient real time multiprocessor scheduling

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    La utilización de microprocesadores multinúcleo no sólo es atractiva para la industria sino que en muchos ámbitos es la única opción. La planificación tiempo real sobre estas plataformas es mucho más compleja que sobre monoprocesadores y en general empeoran el problema de sobre-diseño, llevando a la utilización de muchos más procesadores /núcleos de los necesarios. Se han propuesto algoritmos basados en planificación fluida que optimizan la utilización de los procesadores, pero hasta el momento presentan en general inconvenientes que los alejan de su aplicación práctica, no siendo el menor el elevado número de cambios de contexto y migraciones.Esta tesis parte de la hipótesis de que es posible diseñar algoritmos basados en planificación fluida, que optimizan la utilización de los procesadores, cumpliendo restricciones temporales, térmicas y energéticas, con un bajo número de cambios de contexto y migraciones, y compatibles tanto con la generación fuera de línea de ejecutivos cíclicos atractivos para la industria, como de planificadores que integran técnicas de control en tiempo de ejecución que permiten la gestión eficiente tanto de tareas aperiódicas como de desviaciones paramétricas o pequeñas perturbaciones.A este respecto, esta tesis contribuye con varias soluciones. En primer lugar, mejora una metodología de modelo que representa todas las dimensiones del problema bajo un único formalismo (Redes de Petri Continuas Temporizadas). En segundo lugar, propone un método de generación de un ejecutivo cíclico, calculado en ciclos de procesador, para un conjunto de tareas tiempo real duro sobre multiprocesadores que optimiza la utilización de los núcleos de procesamiento respetando también restricciones térmicas y de energía, sobre la base de una planificación fluida. Considerar la sobrecarga derivada del número de cambios de contexto y migraciones en un ejecutivo cíclico plantea un dilema de causalidad: el número de cambios de contexto (y en consecuencia su sobrecarga) no se conoce hasta generar el ejecutivo cíclico, pero dicho número no se puede minimizar hasta que se ha calculado. La tesis propone una solución a este dilema mediante un método iterativo de convergencia demostrada que logra minimizar la sobrecarga mencionada.En definitiva, la tesis consigue explotar la idea de planificación fluida para maximizar la utilización (donde maximizar la utilización es un gran problema en la industria) generando un sencillo ejecutivo cíclico de mínima sobrecarga (ya que la sobrecarga implica un gran problema de los planificadores basados en planificación fluida).Finalmente, se propone un método para utilizar las referencias de la planificación fuera de línea establecida en el ejecutivo cíclico para su seguimiento por parte de un controlador de frecuencia en línea, de modo que se pueden afrontar pequeñas perturbaciones y variaciones paramétricas, integrando la gestión de tareas aperiódicas (tiempo real blando) mientras se asegura la integridad de la ejecución del conjunto de tiempo real duro.Estas aportaciones constituyen una novedad en el campo, refrendada por las publicaciones derivadas de este trabajo de tesis.<br /

    Partial Reconfiguration of Control Systems using Petri Nets Structural Redundancy

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    This paper deals with the partial reconfiguration of the discrete control systems due to resource failures using the structural redundancy of the global system model. The approach herein proposed introduces a new subclass of Interpreted Petri Nets (), named Interpreted Machines with Resources (), allowing representing both the behaviour of a system and the resource allocation. Based on this model, an efficient reconfiguration algorithm is proposed; it is based on finding the set of all redundant sequences using alternative resources. The advantages of this structural reconfiguration method are: (1) it provides minimal reconfiguration to the system control assuring the properties of the original control system, (2) since the model includes resource allocation, it can be applied to a variety of systems such as Business Processes, and FPGAs, among others, (3) it takes advantage of the implied features of Petri net models, such as structural analysis and graphical visualization of the system and control. The method is illustrated through a case study that deals with a manufacturing system controller, which includes both alternative resources and operation sequencesITESO, A.C.CINVESTA

    Energy-efficient thermal-aware multiprocessor scheduling for real-time tasks using TCPNs

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    We present an energy-effcient thermal-aware real-time global scheduler for a set of hard real-time (HRT) tasks running on a multiprocessor system. This global scheduler fulfills the thermal and temporal constraints by handling two independent variables, the task allocation time and the selection of clock frequency. To achieve its goal, the proposed scheduler is split into two stages. An off-line stage, based on a deadline partitioning scheme, computes the cycles that the HRT tasks must run per deadline interval at the minimum clock frequency to save energy while honoring the temporal and thermal constraints, and computes the maximum frequency at which the system can run below the maximum temperature. Then, an on-line, event-driven stage performs global task allocation applying a Fixed-Priority Zero-Laxity policy, reducing the overhead of quantum-based or interval-based global schedulers. The on-line stage embodies an adaptive scheduler that accepts or rejects soft RT aperiodic tasks throttling CPU frequency to the upper lowest available one to minimize power consumption while meeting time and thermal constraints. This approach leverages the best of two worlds: the off-line stage computes an ideal discrete HRT multiprocessor schedule, while the on-line stage manage soft real-time aperiodic tasks with minimum power consumption and maximum CPU utilization

    Real time scheduler for multiprocessor systems based on continuous control using timed continuous petri nets

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    This work exploits Timed Continuous Petri Nets (TCPN) to design and test a novel energy-efficient thermal-aware real-time global scheduler for a hard real-time (HRT) task set running on a multiprocessor system. The TCPN model encompasses both the system and task set, including thermal features. In previous work we calculated the share of each task that must be executed per time interval by solving off-line an Integer Programming Problem Problem (ILP). A subsequent on-line stage allocated jobs to processors. We now perform the allocation off-line too, including an allocation controller and an execution controller in the on-line stage. This adds robustness by ensuring that actual task allocation and execution honor the safe schedule provided off-line. Last, the on-line controllers allow the design of an improved soft RT aperiodic task manager. Also, ee experimentally prove that our scheduler yields fewer context switches and migrations on the HRT task set than RUN, a reference algorith

    Adaptative models of flexible manufacturing systems

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    This papes deals with the rapid reconfiguration or task controllers of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). This problem is concerned whit the ability of the task coordination system to adapt dynamically to new situations issued from changes on the production requirements or from failures.CINVESTA

    Identification of a Novel Pathogenic Rearrangement Variant of the APC Gene Associated with a Variable Spectrum of Familial Cancer

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    Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal-dominant condition characterized by the presence of multiple colorectal adenomas, caused by germline variants in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene. More than 300 germline variants have been characterized. The detection of novel variants is important to understand the mechanisms of pathophysiology. We identified a novel pathogenic germline variant using next-generation sequencing (NGS) in a proband patient. The variant is a complex rearrangement (c.422+1123_532-577 del ins 423-1933_423-1687 inv) that generates a complete deletion of exon 5 of the APC gene. To study the variant in other family members, we designed an endpoint PCR method followed by Sanger sequencing. The variant was identified in the proband patient’s mother, one daughter, her brother, two cousins, a niece, and a second nephew. In patients where the variant was identified, we found atypical clinical symptoms, including mandibular, ovarian, breast, pancreatic, and gastric cancer. Genetic counseling and cancer prevention strategies were provided for the family. According to the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) guidelines, this novel variant is considered a PVS1 variant (very strong evidence of pathogenicity), and it can be useful in association with clinical data for early surveillance and suitable treatment. View Full-Tex

    Synergistic Antimicrobial Effects of Silver/Transition-metal Combinatorial Treatments

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    Due to the emergence of multi-drug resistant strains, development of novel antibiotics has become a critical issue. One promising approach is the use of transition metals, since they exhibit rapid and significant toxicity, at low concentrations, in prokaryotic cells. Nevertheless, one main drawback of transition metals is their toxicity in eukaryotic cells. Here, we show that the barriers to use them as therapeutic agents could be mitigated by combining them with silver. We demonstrate that synergism of combinatorial treatments (Silver/transition metals, including Zn, Co, Cd, Ni, and Cu) increases up to 8-fold their antimicrobial effect, when compared to their individual effects, against E. coli and B. subtilis. We find that most combinatorial treatments exhibit synergistic antimicrobial effects at low/ non-toxic concentrations to human keratinocyte cells, blast and melanoma rat cell lines. Moreover, we show that silver/(Cu, Ni, and Zn) increase prokaryotic cell permeability at sub-inhibitory concentrations, demonstrating this to be a possible mechanism of the synergistic behavior. Together, these results suggest that these combinatorial treatments will play an important role in the future development of antimicrobial agents and treatments against infections. In specific, the cytotoxicity experiments show that the combinations have great potential in the treatment of topical infections

    Plant characterization of genetically modified maize hybrids MON-89Ø34-3 × MON-88Ø17-3, MON-89Ø34-3 × MON-ØØ6Ø3-6, and MON-ØØ6Ø3-6: alternatives for maize production in Mexico

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    Environmental risk assessment (ERA) of genetically modified (GM) crops is a process to evaluate whether the biotechnology trait(s) in a GM crop may result in increased pest potential or harm to the environment. In this analysis, two GM insect-resistant (IR) herbicide-tolerant maize hybrids (MON-89Ø34-3 9 MON-88Ø17-3 and MON-89Ø34-3 9 MON-ØØ6Ø3-6) and one herbicide-tolerant GM hybrid (MON-ØØ6Ø3-6) were compared with conventional maize hybrids of similar genetic backgrounds. Two sets of studies, Experimental Phase and Pilot Phase, were conducted across five ecological regions (ecoregions) in Mexico during 2009–2013, and data were subject to meta-analysis. Results from the Experimental Phase studies, which were used for ERA, indicated that the three GM hybrids were not different from conventional maize for early stand count, days-tosilking, days-to-anthesis, root lodging, stalk lodging, or final stand count. Statistically significant differences were observed for seedling vigor, ear height, plant height, grain moisture, and grain yield, particularly in the IR hybrids; however, none of these phenotypic differences are expected to contribute to a biological or ecological change that would result in an increased pest potential or ecological risk when cultivating these GM hybrids. Overall, results from the Experimental Phase studies are consistent with those from other world regions, confirming that there are no additional risks compared to conventional maize. Results from Pilot Phase studies indicated that, compared to conventional maize hybrids, no differences were detected for the agronomic and phenotypic characteristics measured on the three GM maize hybrids, with the exception of grain moisture and grain yield in the IR hybrids. Since MON-89Ø34- 3 9 MON-88Ø17-3 and MON-89Ø34-3 9 MONØØ6Ø3- 6 confer resistance to target insect pests, they are an alternative for farmers in Mexico to protect the crop from insect damage. Additionally, the herbicide tolerance conferred by all three GM hybrids enables more cost-effective weed management